I would just like to inform everyone that there have recently been some, what I consider to be, important discussions regarding the information Tribal Council disperses to the membership. I am new to the whole "Tribal Council system of operations" but any discussion seems like a step in the right direction.
We have discussed putting together a "sub-committee" for the tribal website to include members of Tribal Council, members of the I.S. Department and members of the Public Affairs/Publications Department. In my opinion, this would be a perfect opportunity for those interested in utilizing the tribal website to its full potential to share ideas, develop policy and inform the membership at little to no cost. I feel there are ways we can better communicate for no additional dollars.
It has also been said that the requirements to sign in to the "tribal member only" side of the website will be modified in the near future. There have been many concerns over the years because to access the "tribal member only" side of the website, one has to enter their social security number. The modification would allow tribal members to only submit the last four digits of their social security number. I will follow up on that and inform everyone when that change has been made.
Also, as I stated during my campaign, I would like to see Tribal Council utilize the Tilixam Wawa more often. I do believe 100% that this will happen but due to budget constraints, I don't know it will get published as often as I would like. In addition, it has been suggested that not only council write articles but members of both Executive Teams (tribal and casino) as well. I think this is a great idea and feel it would give the membership information from many different levels.
Anyhow, we are working in other areas too but communication is something I feel we can take immediate action on for no money and limited obstacles. I am committed to making some changes and as promised, I will keep you all updated with my progress.
Keep your fingers crossed and your hopes high.
Thank you for reading,
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