As people are unable to attend local meetings, I would like to speak about the most recent council meeting held this past Wednesday, May 6th, 2009. In my opinion, this was one of the most productive meetings I have attended over the last year or so. Not because there was so much accomplished but because there was a lot of dicussion about how Tribal Council is held accountable for their actions. The most impressive part of the meeting, I felt, was that everybody remained professional and civil during the discussion. That is very important and doesn't always happen. Now, it's not like anything has changed due to that meeting but I feel that everybody in attendance left with some "food-for-thought." Allow me to speak briefly about what I personally took from the meeting. When the question about how Tribal Council is held accountable if they in fact are was asked, the response was that there are many different ways to hold them accountable and then a list of consequences that there have been in the past was given. Among those listed was a stern talk from the Tribal Council Chairperson and a request from council that the council member in question write an apology letter. As much as I appreciate there being something, I don't feel (depending on the severity of the offense) that these consequences are severe enough. Let's not forget that the members of Tribal Council are elected officials and it seems like the only real way to hold them accountable is by the membership itself. It was also brought to the attention of those in attendance that there is an Ethics Ordinance in place and that anybody can use it when they choose to. My problem with that is that many feel intimidated by council anyway and what could potentially happen to them as a result of retaliation. Also, I don't feel that the unethical actions of our Tribal Council is always worth the effort it would take to file and ethics charge. To me it seems that there is no real way to hold Tribal Council accountable and no short-term resolution. This is very bothersome to me and should be to us all.
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