Through the month of July and the first three weeks of August, the "TOBY09" Campaign kept me on the run, to put it modestly. It seemed as if I was receiving a number of emails every day. On top of responding to emails, I would also get phone calls from concerned Tribal Members asking my opinion on certain issues and wanting to know what I could do to help if I were elected. Then there was the two (and sometimes more) hours I would spend on the computer daily to check some of the other candidate's websites and to read the posts written on public blog sites by the Tribal Members themselves. Attending local events is obviously a given. The Tribal Council meetings on Wednesday nights are a must. (If you're a Tribal Council candidate and you're not attending the Tribal Council meetings, I have to question your sincerity and your commitment.) Anyhow, trying to meet with Tribal Members I do not know was challenging but I also felt it should be attempted. Meeting with Tribal members I do know was another obvious commitment and was a good way to become familiar with some of the most concerning issues. In addition to everything listed above, I had to write my letters, hang up signs and design my postcards, campaign cards and t-shirts.
Now, I haven't listed all of the things I have done as part of my campaign but this gives you a good idea of the time commitment that this has been for me and my family. I did not mention the hurt feelings caused by my lack of participation in family events due to the rigorous campaign trail. That is probably a whole new blog in itself.
Since the Grand Ronde Pow-wow, it seems as though things have completely died. As if there is no longer an election going on. I receive no emails, no phone calls and my time on the computer has been cut in half. I see no other candidates campaigning and the public blog sites have turned more into private conversations among Tribal Members. Maybe this is happening because everyone has already voted and now they are just waiting to hear the results. Maybe it's happening because the last three weeks of an election have traditionally been just a waiting game.
Well, as many of you know, I have not ran the "TOBY09" Campaign as many have ran theirs in the past and I'm not about to start now. I am going to attempt to keep this election alive through these next couple of weeks. I am a "walk-in" voter and a lot can happen in two and-a-half weeks. I will continue to post blogs on this site and I am going to post some more video. It doesn't have to end like this and I don't believe it should.
Please don't stop emailing me or calling me. For the rest of you "walk-in" voters, this is a perfect period of time to see who is still working and who is now playing the waiting game. (That might show a bit of character...)
Thank you for reading and remember, "TOBY09".